
I was Treated Successfully for COVID-19 by the Most Radical of Treatments

As of yet, the FDA has not approved them

Don Feazelle
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2021


I drifted in and out of consciousness. A dull headache and the fog over my head have besieged me for several days now. The blood-red haze from the fever covers my eyes. Every aching and burning breath feels like a punch in the ribs. In my ears, I hear the continuous pounding. Do I detect my heart rate slowing?

Spasms of pain shoot through my body with each cough. Have my lungs come out of my throat and inverted? I am completely immobile. I cannot adjust to ease the discomfort.

How long have I been like this?

How long will this torturous hell continue?

As the sun rises and beams through the shaded window, the warmth is like a torch upon my feverish body. Except for my deadened senses, I would swear I can smell burnt hair and flesh.

How did I get here?

My fever racked brain claws at the nerve cells to remember. Just a glimpse into what happened might give me a reason—a reason to live.

I fight against the fever and will my memory to activate.



Don Feazelle

Writer, philosopher, humorist, observer of life, an all-around lovable guy.