I Watched a Video of a Praying Mantis Fighting a Hummingbird

It made me realise a lot about our society

Coffee with Copium


Yes, You Read Correct

It was a fairly standard morning with me hitting the snooze button on my alarm and reaching for my phone to do some social media scrolling.

I opened Instagram and after watching the stories of a few friends, I clicked on the “black hole” of procrastination that is the explore page.

There were a few reels of dance challenges, and influencers trying to sell workout programs and then I scrolled to a “viral video” from a nature account…

If you want to see the video, I will link it below.

Praying mantis on a leave
Photo by asif mohomed on Unsplash

The video and my description to follow are not necessarily graphic. If a praying mantis attacking and eating a hummingbird is going to upset you, this is your disclaimer.

It’s Giving Natural Selection

The video, which was recorded by the homeowner, starts with a hummingbird approaching a bird feeder. What the bird does not see, is that a praying mantis is hiding inside the bird feeder almost out of sight.

When the bird is close enough, the praying mantis suddenly launches with its legs and claws, capturing it. The bird tries to escape…

