I Went to Watch Jordan Peterson. I Was Immensely Disappointed.

Here’s why.

Aure's Notes


Jordan Peterson defending free speech. Source: Wikipedia

I like Jordan Peterson.

I don’t share all of his opinions yet I find a lot of my personal values in his ideas.

So I was extremely excited to attend his book tour event in Tallinn, Estonia.

But after 2 hours of lecture, I exited the theater disappointed.

Here’s why.

#1 Money

The Jordan Peterson of 2012 wanted to spread wisdom and help people achieve better outcomes.

He posted his lectures on Youtube and wrote answers on Quora. Benevolently.

The Jordan Peterson of 2022 still wants to help people. But he also wants to make a looot of money.

The event started when Jordan’s wife Tammy stepped on stage and began by shilling (for lack of a better word) the products of the Peterson family.

“My daughter Mikhaila is building the Peterson academy. It’s a set of courses taught by academics with no political ideology whatsoever. You can learn real social sciences, real math…there is no political ideology there”.

She then talked about the app that her son Julian has released to “help people write better”.



Aure's Notes

2X Msc in pol. science and business econ. Summarized +100 books. 25k people read auresnotes.com. From Belgium. No niche.