I Will Be Happy With My Life When — — — — — — — — — — .

Give it some thought and then fill in the blank

Ken Martin


Image: Alexandra I. on Unsplash

Want to be happy with your life? Start by being happy with yourself.

We’re not who we want to be, none of us. We’re all aware of our shortcomings, our perceived inadequacies. We want to be better people, stronger, smarter, more attractive, with better social skills.

Self Improvement is Incremental
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be better. Self-improvement is always desirable. But the goal is to improve gradually and steadily, without being constantly dissatisfied with ourselves and our achievements.

Life is a mental game that some play effortlessly and with natural grace. Many find it harder and have difficulty performing at the level they’re capable of, and that makes them ask: Why can’t I do better?

Disgust with performance can spread to disgust with our lives, what we’re doing, relationships, where we live and work. If the dissatisfaction grows strong enough, we might quit our job or take the geographic cure — move to a new place with “better” opportunities and a fresh start. Such moves rarely work. As Ernest Hemingway once said, “you can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another.”

