I Will Continue to Lose Friends Over Trump

Now is the time to speak out

Walter Rhein
Published in
4 min readJul 19, 2020


Photo by Marco Zuppone on Unsplash

Conventional wisdom says that support for a political candidate should not be a reason to give up on a lasting friendship. There is been a popular meme that shows two stick figures with an admonishment to anyone who cares to read it.

“This is Bob, Bob supports Trump. Sally Supports Biden. After the election they will still be friends. Be like Bob and Sally.”

That meme is total BS. Trump supporters don’t deserve to have friends.

This election is different

All you have to do with Donald Trump is look back over the last few days and you’ll see dozens of activities that disqualify him as president. The man is a menace, and the United States is more divided than ever.

Despite the fact that only a few weeks ago, Trump tweeted out a video of a man screaming “white power” Trump supporters still insist that Trump is not a racist.

“Well, he deleted the tweet!”

But did he apologize for it? Did he denounce white supremacy? Not to my knowledge. In fact…



Walter Rhein

10+ years experience as a certified English and Physics teacher. 20+ years of experience as an editor, journalist, blogger and novelist. WalterRhein@gmail.com