I Wish People Would Shut Up

Or at least stop saying these phrases

Melissa Marietta


Photo by the author, Melissa Marietta.

I am annoyed with the words we are speaking.

I am irked by the sentences we are constructing and the phrases that we repeat. I’m sick of our syntax and frustrated with how we use our language to not say the things that need to be said or say nothing at all.

Those of us in the working world understand what I am describing, within the context of professional communication. Who hasn’t said or heard:

Circle back

As per your email

Hope you are well

Touch base


Outside the box


Checking back in, following up

Wear a lot of hats



Develop a task force

Come to Jesus

Hearing these words and phrases feels like being on a road trip with my kids, listening to Hits 1 on XM radio for hours on end.



Melissa Marietta

I am witty, sarcastic, and always honest. Top Writer in Parenting & Feminism. Marriage | Relationships| Mental Health| Humor| Body Image| Disability