I Won’t Lie For A Senior Citizen’s Discount, But I’ll Definitely Show My ID

What’s wrong with you people who would rather appear young?

Kim McKinney
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Kim McKinney

I was at the movies with my aunt. They asked her if she qualified for the senior citizen discount. She told them no. She was about 70 at the time.

“But you are a senior,” I whispered to her.

“I don’t want them to know that!” she said.

I am my aunt’s opposite. Bring on the senior discounts! I will gladly tell my age and even go for the reverse carding. When they say “You don’t look that old” I will preen, even if they say that to all the seniors. As they should. Even though most of us will roll our eyes!

I was with some friends at the movie another night and was a bit confused about the price of my movie ticket. It was way less than normal.

I realized later the high school girl selling tickets had given us all the senior ticket price. There were one or possibly two that qualified, but not the rest of us. I was going to go tell her and pay the difference, but my friends stopped me. They said it would just embarrass her.

Well, they ended up messing up our movie anyway, so we all got refunds. The manager did the refunds. I was a bit miffed that he, who looked about my age…



Kim McKinney
Curated Newsletters

A non-niche writer who loves a good story. My ADHD mind thinks way too much for its own good, but I have grown to love it. An idea person.