
I Wrote 11 Articles On Simily To See What’s All The Hype About

It’s awful

Cedric Boogaerts


Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

I first heard about Simily from Kristina God. These are some of the reasons she states why you should join Simily:

  • You can write about fiction
  • They accept poems
  • It’s easy to write and submit stories
  • Simily pays for every view ( $0,02 for every view)
  • You can republish content from Medium on Simily
  • They work with PayPal (writers from India can earn money)

Even Burk, a famous writer on Medium said this:

The closest thing to a potential Medium rival out there

So let’s analyze this and I will give you my experience.

How it works

If you want to go to the site by searching it up on Google, it won’t appear in the search results. You actually need to search for simily.co, this indicates it’s pretty new.

On Medium you get paid for members reading time. On Simily, you get paid for how many views. The compensation is $0,02 per view.

On Simily, you can join groups. These are little communities on which you can share your articles and chat with other like-minded individuals. I would recommend joining the Medium Expat group. They sometimes help you when you have a problem.

Membership tiers

  • You can sign up for Simily for free. You get access to 5 stories per month, you can submit your own stories, and you can join groups
  • Special Launch Pricing, for the first month, you pay $1.99 then you need to pay $6.99 per month. With this tier, you get access to an unlimited amount of stories, submit your own stories, and follow other authors.
  • There is also an Annual Plan which is $69 per year. This has the same perks as the previous tier.

A couple of concerns

  • Because Simily works with a “pay for view” system, some people could click on thousands of articles. At one point, Simily won’t be able to pay everyone if this happens.
  • Simily’s user interface isn’t as good as other platforms like Medium or Vocal Media. It’s normal because they have a way smaller team. It also takes ages to load sometimes.
  • When you are done writing your story on Simily, it also takes a while for it to process and upload. For me, it sometimes takes up to minutes to upload, and I’m just left staring at my computer.
  • It’s also not well-known, my screen is filled with red because Grammarly says that I have made a spelling mistake.
  • It’s domain name is also not .com but .co. Sometimes, I enter the wrong URL.
  • It’s not well known. In fact, when you search simily for the first time, it won’t even appear in the search results, you need to directly go to simily.co


I mainly republished some of the older stories I wrote on Medium. In total, I published 11 stories which earned me a total of:

Screenshot by the author

This is not that bad, but definitely not great. All of the stories I published gained 1 or 2 clicks resulting in $0,02 or $0,04 per article. The best part is that I can’t even withdraw my wonderful earnings because need a minimum balance of $10 in order to withdraw. Dammit.


I do think that Simily is a decent alternative to Medium but it’s still far behind the OG player Medium. After all, Medium has already existed for 10 years.

I see the platform as somewhere where you can republish older articles of yours to gain some extra pennies. It could also be great for nonfiction writers or writers who can’t get accepted into the Medium Partner Program because of their nationality.

But for now, I will continue to write on Medium. See ya.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. If you’d like to support me as a writer, consider signing up to become a Medium member. It’s just $5 a month and you get unlimited access to Medium.

