I Wrote a Prono

Matthew Clapham
Published in
7 min readJun 2, 2023


Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

So what is a prono? A neologism I just coined for a ‘prompted novel’. I can’t actually guarantee that no one else came up with it first, as searching online inevitably falls foul of the search engine autocorrecting the results. These machines think they’re pretty smart, huh?

I don’t know how many times I’ve started writing a novel the old-fashioned way. But I do know that it’s the exact same number of times I have given up in frustration and disappointment. I run out of ideas, energy, time and inclination. I am not a novelist. I have finally acknowledged this message from the universe. As the joke goes, everyone has a novel inside them, and in most cases that’s exactly where it should stay. I’ve graciously done the world a favour.

But the itch still remains unscratched to some degree. And so now that the generative genius is out of the AI bottle, I figured I may as well experiment with letting it do the hard work, the actual writing, while I sit back and offer a few hints and suggestions, in a more hands-off consultative role better suited to my talents. Or rather lack of them.

Now, I’m well aware that there are far more sophisticated, bespoke tools specifically meant for authors of fiction, the Jaspers and Sudowrites of this brave new world. But for this experimental venture I feel I ought to allow old ChatGPT to enjoy its 15 minutes of fame to the max, and make…



Matthew Clapham

Professional translator by day. Writer of silly and serious stuff by night. Also by day, when I get fed up of tedious translations. Founder of Iberospherical.