Ice Cream & the Election.

Arjay J.
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2020

When there are two very different flavors to choose from.

I am at the supermarket. I need to buy a tub of ice cream for the family.

There are only two flavors to choose from.

I cannot mess this up.

Photo courtesy of author

Okay, I must start by admitting something. These recent times have been a struggle. My family is in a bit of a disarray. I’m not sure how this happened. Ours is a large family — there’s quite a few of us and we’re all a bit different from one another. But we’re still one unit. One that has always stood together.

I remember a time when we would all sit down for a meal and everything was alright. Everyone got along and we enjoyed whatever was being served. Now, everyone has an opinion. There are debates around the dinner table each day. What some like to eat, the others don’t. We fight and argue, and we have clearly forgotten how to compromise. It’s become all about Me, not Us and it’s tearing the family apart. My house is a mess.

Ice cream can make things better. It always has. I believe that.

Anyway, where was I? Yes — at the ice cream section in the supermarket.

Staring at my only two options: Orange vodka, and plain vanilla. Oh well.

Orange vodka, hmm… this one’s pretty out there. It’s a controversial flavor. The packaging is pretty foul and you wouldn’t want the children to be reading the kind of language it comes wrapped in. So there’s that.

The flavor is fine on its own, but does not work well with sides that don’t compliment it’s taste. In fact you can’t really serve it with anything that overpowers or disagrees with it.

There was some suggestion around four years ago that this flavor could have nutritional benefits. That it would shake things up in an aisle stocked with too many traditional choices. It was something… different.

While there is some positive evidence on that front, there has been a long list of health risks and side effects which have since been identified.

It also tastes pretty extreme: those who like it, like it a lot. They even claim it’s one of the best flavors. The brand itself says it’s the best flavor in the market, better than any other flavor ever made. But I’m aware that the majority disapprove of it. In fact, many find it revolting.

Vanilla, on the other hand, is plain and simple. It’s not an exciting choice. Some would argue that it’s boring. But many love it. More importantly, very few hate it.

Here’s what I like about vanilla: it does wonders in bringing things together. It complements other flavors, ingredients and toppings really well. It can be bland on its own, but sprinkle a dose of nuts, syrup or couple it with a pie and you’re set.

Vanilla does not brag. It’s been around for a while and we know what to expect. While plain and predictable on its own, it’s more likely to get along with other items in my overflowing pantry.

And vanilla with chocolate syrup — now that’s a winning combination! Something we could all use right now.

Anyway, decisions, decisions.

This is an important choice. I must remember there are no single-serving options available here. I can’t please everyone. This is a family size tub of ice cream. It’s going to be in our freezer for quite some time and make its presence known after many meals for many days.

I can’t be selfish and get something that only I can enjoy. While I would love to romanticize about the many other flavors I could have bought today, there are only two I can choose from.

I need to reflect on my priorities. Whatever I do, I have to get my house in order. The last thing I want is to divide my family even more. I must get something we can all enjoy and get behind. That is the most important thing right now.

I better hurry up, the store is about to close.

