If I Behave Will I Get A Reward?

Where Are The Gold Stars?

Tree Langdon
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2020


a spiral of stars on a dark background
Gold Star Rewards by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

They are taking away our rewards.

In elementary school, our teacher had a big chart with our names in a column on the left and the days of the week along the top.

It was a reward chart, and there were four different stars you could earn.

Each day, she would award each student a colored star.

  • A blue star was for attendance. Basically, you could get a star for showing up.
  • A red star was given out for good behavior. This was slightly higher than the blue one, but some students had difficulty achieving it.
  • A silver star was for handing in your homework on time.
  • A gold star was the holy grail and was achieved by the ‘good’’ students. Perfect attendance and behavior, handing your homework in on time, and getting an A was required.

The whole idea was to motivate students to improve themselves and it generally worked.

Medium is taking away our gold stars.

We used to be rewarded by the number of claps our stories would receive. That was changed to read time, which was measured by the length…



Tree Langdon

I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world. https://wordsinmotion.substack.com/