If I Could Time Travel , I’d Teach My Younger Self These 20 Timeless Life Lessons

How you do anything is how you do everything

Harmeet Singh
4 min readSep 19, 2021


Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash

Life teaches you plenty of lessons along its journey. When you are a kid, you hold a lot of misconceptions about the process of life.

But as you grow up, life starts revealing itself to you. You get to know that things are not how you imagined they’d be.

You go through many life changes, and going through these changes can feel challenging at times, but these tough times can serve as great lessons to become a better human being.

I will be turning 20 this year, and throughout my first 20 years of life, I have made many mistakes and learnt lessons along the way.

Although you learn things by time and by facing things, if someone had taught me certain lessons when I was younger, my life would have been much better.

Here are 20 Timeless that can change the outlook of your life, if you make them a part of you:-

  1. Everything happens for a reason. It really does, you won’t realize it now, but when you look back in the future, all the dots will connect.
  2. Time is faster than we realize. We have a lot less time than we think we do. Please make use of it every bit and work on things that are important to you today.
  3. You meet a lot of temporary people in life. Only permanent are your family and maybe a few good friends. Take care of them, don’t forget them for the temporary ones.
  4. Make your life a bit more private. Don’t post every shit you do on the internet.
  5. Not everyone will like you, and it’s okay. Don’t get discouraged, and don’t go begging people to like you.
  6. Make your own decision. Listen to everyone’s advice but do what you feel is right for you.
  7. Take responsibility for your life. It’s the choices you make today that create you in the long run. If you don’t like who you are becoming, make better choices.
  8. How you do anything is how you do everything. Don’t neglect small things. Do whatever you do, big or small, to the best of your ability.
  9. Things can never be perfect. Stop beating yourself if something doesn’t go a certain way.
  10. What you do today matters more than what you say you are going to do tomorrow.
  11. Make memories. Go on trips, do crazy stuff with your friends. These are the things you will remember forever and surely never regret.
  12. Nobody is born a genius. I used to think certain people were born gifted, and you can’t be like them, but that’s not true; you can be excellent at things too if you are willing to work hard.
  13. Mental health is the most critical area to work on. I wish I could have started meditating, journaling and reading earlier.
  14. It’s okay to say no to the things you don’t want to do. You may think you are making someone unhappy by saying no, but at last, the only person you end up making unhappy is yourself.
  15. Do uncomfortable things that scare the bejeezus out of you. Doing something you are afraid to do will push you out of your comfort zone, and that’s where real growth happens.
  16. You need more sleep than you think you do. Sleeping less than 7 hours will not affect you in the short term, but you will mess your brain in the long term. Maintain a good sleep schedule so that your future self could thank you.
  17. No one cares or thinks about you unless it affects them in any way. Do you want to dance around naked on the streets? Do it; people usually only think about themselves.
  18. Have more patience. Don’t shut things down if you don’t see results instantly. Things take time to compound, but when they do, you get results you never expected.
  19. Stand up for yourself. Just because someone is more remarkable than you at certain things doesn’t mean they have the right to disrespect you or make fun of you.
  20. Nothing lasts forever. So, if you are going through a tough time, Be hopeful because it will pass, and if you are having a good time, be grateful for it

Learning something and applying what you learn are two very different things.

You can keep reading books and articles of people sharing their wisdom, but the only way you will make a significant change in life is by applying what you learn.

Don’t just learn, take action immediately.



Harmeet Singh

Writer, Athlete | I write self improvement, and inspiring articles that can help make your life better | My Medium Pub: https://medium.com/make-yourself-better