If I Were a Woman I’d Be Livid

My thoughts, and opinions, as a man, on the Patriarchy’s attack on women.

Rex Shadeseagle


Celebrating womanhood
Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay

I am a feminist, it comes from having very powerful women in my life and was solidified in marrying my Queen. I have 4 amazing daughters who are strong, intelligent, independent, and willful. Oh, did I mention they are all beautiful as well? They have taught me so much I would like to share some of it.

Disagreement Is Not Phobia

It seems to me that there is a push to delegitimize the role of women as Mothers. As a man, I am completely jealous, envious, and in awe of a WOMAN’S ability to have a baby. To be able to feel another human being growing inside of you, and then to give birth to him or her, is the pinnacle of existence.

For the past 2,500 years or so there has been a campaign to demonize and villainize women. Greco-Roman mythology and Islamic-Judeo-Christian religions would have us believe that women are the cause of all evils. Painting women as unwitting, or sometimes willing, instigators of all the evils in the world.

Look at the stories of Pandora or Eve. We are told that these women, individually in their respective religions, are the single-handed perpetrators for bringing evil into the world.

Who Wrote These…



Rex Shadeseagle

Author, Podcast Host, Public Speaker, Drug Prevention Specialist. My book, Know Love: A Memoir is now on sale https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PM77J4J