If I Won a Million Dollars, What Would Be the First Thing I Would Buy?

Day 23 — Journaling for Self-Reflection and Personal Growth.

Jennifer Barrios Tettay


Image by kalhh from Pixabay

💸 A bungalow on the beach?
💸 A mountain hike in the Himalayas?
💸 Or perhaps a monster PC with complete VR equipment?

Ideas are as numerous as our dreams, wishes, and hopes.

Endless as the horizon and diverse as life itself, images present themselves before our inner eye, reflecting the “what if” situation.

First of All an Iced Coffee

Image by 政徳 吉田 from Pixabay

I’m not kidding.

The very first thing I would buy would be an iced coffee for me, plus apple juice and strawberry ice cream for my son plus a beer for my husband.

And then I guess we would go through our options.

Our own house, where we currently live.

✔️ We wouldn’t have to pay rent anymore and would be independent of any whims the homeowners might have.

👎 With a house of our own comes not only a lot of responsibility but also much higher utility costs. In addition, a house involves work.

An unforgettable trip

✔️ A once-in-a-lifetime experience that no one could ever take away from us.

👎 No investment value, the money would be gone.

Investing the money

✔️ A lifetime of passive income.

👎 Residual risk if investments lose value. Also: boring!

Making donations to charitable organizations

✔️ Personal peace of mind after acting so selflessly.

👎 Might, and probably will regret it at some point.

Investing in oneself.

📣 This would include, for example, a personal trainer, beauty treatments including surgery, or private lessons.

✔️ The path to a “better you” is paved. This can promise success in almost all areas of life.

👎 There’s a risk of becoming too dependent on money and at some point, it will become very difficult to achieve certain goals all by oneself.

A Little Bit of Everything

image from freepik

That’s what it would probably come down to.

At least a house in my husband’s hometown, Barranquilla, would be as good as certain. After all, we wanted to spend our retirement there anyway.

Besides, the real estate there is a lot cheaper than here in Germany.

And let’s be honest: there’s something about a villa with a pool and palm trees along the roadsides! 🌴🌞

Besides, we would be pretty stupid in our heads if we didn’t invest at least a little bit of capital. 📈

I could actually imagine a foster child in a third-world country. But a second thought brings me to building a school. That would make a lot more difference! Would the million dollars be enough for that?

Probably not!

Besides, the three of us have never been together on vacation in Colombia. That means my husband, our son, and me. That would be also nice. 🤍

Now You!

  • What would you do with a million dollars?

Share it in the comments!

This was the 23rd entry in the 30-Day Journal for Self-Reflection and Personal Growth — a challenge by Dr. Tracy Davis. Thanks for the idea and the invitation for everyone to join in!

Find all my other entries in the 30-Day Journal for Self-Reflection and Personal Growth:

30-Day Journal for Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

30 stories
painting of a snowy landscape illuminated by light of the rising sun
painting of a silhouette of a woman

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