If Nelson, Martin, and Rosa Could Talk

I wonder what they would say?

The Guvna


Photo from Canva

If Nelson, Martin, and Rosa could talk
I wonder what they would say?

Would they be happy with what they see?
A world still full of hope
But with ways to go from what it could be?

If Nelson, Martin, and Rosa could talk
I wonder what they would say?

Left, right, and centre moving in different directions
Tribalism has everyone battling each other
Living life based on misconceptions

If Nelson, Martin, and Rosa could talk
I wonder what they would say?

Well done dear people
For all you’ve done
But don’t let up, the work’s just begun

If Nelson, Martin, and Rosa could talk
I wonder what they would say?

Keep your heads up high
And when it gets too rough
Reach up and pray to the skies

If Nelson, Martin, and Rosa could talk
I wonder what they would say?

From Cape Town to L.A
It’s all a work in progress
Even if it doesn’t feel like it today

If Nelson, Martin, and Rosa could talk
I wonder what they would say?

Each one of you has a role to play
Don’t look to your leaders
To show you the way



The Guvna

I write about personal development, cycling, fatherhood and everything in between.