Imagine the Chaos if the Sun Disappeared

Imagine what would happen if our local star the Sun just disappeared.

Cosmic Wonders


Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

British spelling!

The sun began shining brightly about 4.6 billion years ago and will continue to shine for another 5 billion years and more.

The sun is a ball of hot plasma heated by nuclear reactions in its core.

Most of life on Earth derives its energy primarily from the sun, the reason I say most is that life exists in the ocean depths and is not directly dependent on the sun.

Around hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean, microbes eat nutrient chemicals that form the base of the food chain for more complex communities of organisms.

If you have a good imagination, then you might find the next few paragraphs interesting.

Ok, the sun has instantly disappeared; we would have no idea until just over eight minutes later when the sky turned black.

That eight minutes is the time it takes for light to travel 150 million kilometres, which is the distance between the sun and our planet.

The planets and moon would be no longer visible; we are accustomed to seeing the moon and the planets shining in the night sky, but of course, the moon and planets have no light of…



Cosmic Wonders

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