If The Sun Was Stubborn

What would you do?

Tina S


Photo by Ira from Pexels

If the stars went hiding
Where would we go
Would we stay the same
In a night with no glow

If the sun was stubborn
And chose not to rise
Would we stay the same
In a day with no highs

Great gifts like this
We no longer see
For we are so used to
Their sight with no fee

They are taken for granted
For we know they’ll wait
Has it occurred to you
What if that wasn’t their fate

What if they came no more
And the Earth changed its coarse
Disappointed from the people
The people with no remorse

If the stars were happy
And they showed up tomorrow
Would you even care
If it was not in sorrow

If the sun shined so deep
And the Earth was full of rays
Would you even care
Or would you think it has always been the same



Tina S

Nutritionist that writes everything related to good physical and mental health. For writing services, please contact: tinaswriting2@gmail.com