If the walls could talk…

The kid.
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2023
image credits-pixabay.com

“Do you ever wonder what would happen if the walls could talk, annota know, I know, it’s a strange thing to think about but seriously-what do you think our walls would say? They would have years worth of material, every moment that went by too fast for us to notice, every hour of every day of every week- every movement made, every shadow cast, every additional decade adorning us with it’s bounty.

It would be us, Nina. Metamorphosing, beautiful, us. They must know so much more about us than we do. The walls, free of all prejudice, representing a tabula rasa to those who care to notice them. Their smooth exteriors that belie the torrents of emotions and frenzy they hold- all of it, a part of us.

Oh Nina! How I envy these walls! They see everything! The worst of me, the best of you and yet, they’re forced to live it down in silence. Forever muted by their inanimate nature. Don’t they just hold you in thrall Nina? Despite seeing the terrifying demons that dwell in us, they can’t turn away. These walls have to protect us. No heaven or hell has seen as much as these walls have. Good can turn it’s eyes away in the presence of evil but they can’t. They have to unblinkingly watch as people drop their facades in their shelter. They have to watch people murder the ones they love most., watch people oscillate between humanity and monstrosity every day-without ever having the luxury of looking away. They’re bound to.

But, you see, we are no less bound than these walls, Nina. We are bound by laws we cannot possibly comprehend to a fate that was never our choice, just like these walls that were bound by the laws of physics. Ha! What’s physics to a wall? Probably just about as much as our existence is to us- shrouded in a veil we never had the strength to remove, behind a locked gate whose keys were always just out of reach.

My goodness! Is that the time? I don’t know how you let me ramble on and on without even reminding me it’s time I leave. Since your accident, you have been much too quiet. I must leave now, my love. I can be late for a lot of things but I wouldn’t dare be late for your funeral.

Don’t worry, no one knows I replaced your body with another corpse.I did such a splendid job that even if it’s an open casket, no one will suspect a thing. Everything will be alright soon, darling. Just give me time to work out a few details and I’ll be joining you forever.

It’ll be our little secret-yours, mine and the walls’.



The kid.
Writer for

The kind of person who writes when motivation strikes at 3AM.