If They Don’t Deserve You, Stop Wasting Your Time

It’s time to slay the time vampires

Esther George


Closeup of a woman holding an illuminated sword
Decide today that no time vampires can make a home in your heart. | Photo by Some Tale on Unsplash

People reveal who they are and believe it or not, they’ll let you know if they’re worth your time. Let’s be fair, we’re all busy. We have our little universe to rule. Perhaps you think yours is small, but it’s by no means insignificant. That’s why it’s important we deal appropriately with dawdlers who get into our space and hijack our time.

My universe is vast, not in terms of size but of importance. Call me selfish, but I don’t see that to be a bad thing. Prioritizing self and building a solid foundation for my life is a healthy pursuit. Besides, when I feel good about myself, I’m in a better position to be of service to the world.

Relationships are an enormous deal for me. I care about people. That’s why I’m on high alert when some imposing personality type enters my space and demands my energy without reciprocity. These are the ones who love bickering, who think everyone should change except them, are full of drama, and can’t have a normal conversation without all hell breaking loose.

These are the types who unashamedly feed on others’ willingness to listen and care for them. Every session with them leaves me exhausted and overwhelmed until I’ve decided I don’t need that kind of toxicity in my life. Learning to spot them…



Esther George

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.