If you are not Paying for the Product, You are the Product

Tushal Mehra
Published in
6 min readSep 21, 2023


Social media: the free product that is costing you more than you can imagine..

Facebook has 18 data centers which cost more than 20 billion dollars, and just like that, every social networking site pays billions of dollars for you to use it for free.

But why? When in today's world people are selling you air trapped inside a balloon. Why are these people giving it for free? What's the catch here?

Well, The Catch is: You Are The Product!

Let me illustrate...
Do you know what the most expensive thing in the world is? No, it’s not Oil, gold, or even diamonds, it’s Data!


Data is the new currency, Businesses and Politicians are willing to pay millions of dollars to get their hands on your data. So that they can further target you with specific ads or even Manipulate your political or social views for their own benefit.

And now you must be saying. Well, they don't know much about me, they cannot manipulate my opinions.
Think about it again! It's probably already Been manipulated.

How much do they know about you?

Short answer: More than you can imagine!

Ever seen that tiny button that says "Terms & Conditions" why is this so small and hard to notice, and if you notice it by chance why is this 20,000 words long boring text that is not at all engaging and hard to read? It's all intentional my friend!

Terms and conditions may apply

And beyond that, Every click, every like, and every comment - works as a tracker that tracks your habits, interests, or opinions

They know your relationship status, your crush, your wild fantasies, your religious views, your political views, and your views on the 107 genders out there.

Let me illustrate with a real-life incident..

In 2017, a French girl Judith Duportail used Tinder for a few months after her breakup. After some time, She had some dissatisfaction with her profile rating, so she sent emails and follow-ups to Tinder for 6 months asking for her data, she wanted to check whether they’re doing it correctly or not.
And she was shocked when Tinder sent 800 pages of her data. That they collected only in a few months.
And she has confirmed that Tinder knew about her, more than herself.


From that data, she got to know how many times in a week she felt lonely, what kind of guys she was into, during which time she was attracted to boys. When and where she messaged whom and what, her music taste, location, likes, dislikes every inch of her details. They collected only in a few months.

Now imagine how much this guy knows about you.

Mark Zuckerberg

It's not at all hard for them to manipulate your opinion or to get your click on an advertisement if they know so much about you.

How do they use your data?

Your data is their most prized possession. It's not just sitting in some virtual vault collecting dust. They put it to work.

The content you see on your feed? It looks like the whole world is around your interests and likings, It's all tailored just for you. They use your data to curate your experience. From the posts you see to the videos that autoplay, it's all designed to keep you scrolling, engaged, and coming back for more and more.

That "recommend for you"(‘For you' section on medium) is not random it’s all part of keeping you hooked.

Targeted Ads

Ever noticed how the ads seem to know exactly what you've been thinking about? That's not a coincidence. They use your data to show you ads that are highly relevant to you.

It's too dangerous if a housewife searches washing machine online. Her husband who's earning would get Ads related to washing machines on his phone.

In 2019, a group of researchers at Northeastern University conducted a study on how much data Facebook collects about its users. The researchers found that Facebook collects over 1,500 data points per user.
And Share this data with over 4,000 third-party companies, including advertisers, marketing firms, data brokers, and Politicians.


Remember, It's not just about selling products; it's about selling you the products you're most likely to buy.


They use your data to manipulate you in a variety of ways. For example by showing you content that is designed to generate strong emotions, such as anger, anxiety, and fear. This is because strong emotions make people more likely to share and engage with content. That will make them hooked on their platform

Another way they use to manipulate you is by showing you content that confirms your existing biases. This is called the "filter bubble" effect. When you are only exposed to information that confirms your beliefs, you become more entrenched in those beliefs and less likely to consider alternative viewpoints.

The Rohingya genocide :
In 2017, the Myanmar military launched a genocide against the Rohingya Muslim minority. Facebook was used to spread misinformation and hate speech that contributed to the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar. Facebook’s algorithms amplified the voices of extremists while suppressing the voices of those who were trying to speak out against the violence.


Social media companies have also been accused of suppressing content that is critical of their advertisers or political allies. Which makes it difficult for people to be exposed to information that could help them to make informed decisions.

Cambridge Analytica Scandal:
During the 2016 US Presidential Election, a company named Cambridge Analytica made headlines. They got hold of data from millions of Facebook users without their consent. They used this data to create detailed psychological profiles of voters. With this information, they crafted highly targeted political messages designed to sway opinions. That somehow supported Donald Trump and was against Hillary Clinton. It’s a stark example of how your data can be to manipulate your political opinions.


What can you do to protect your Data?

Short answer: there's nothing you can do about it. If you want to use their platform you gotta let them use your data!

The only possible solution that I could come up with was the introduction of a strong data protection bill by our Government.


it’s not wrong to say that, some handful of people sitting in the Silicon Valley of California controls the attention of the millions of people around the globe.

It is important to be aware of how social media companies use your data so that you can make informed decisions about how you use these platforms. You can also take steps to protect your privacy, such as by reading terms and conditions, reviewing your privacy settings, and being careful about what information you share.

Before we part ways, I'd like to suggest:

  • Be critical of the information you see on social media. Not everything is true, even if it comes from a source that you trust.
  • Be aware of your own biases. We are all more likely to believe information that confirms our existing beliefs.
  • Be mindful of how much time you spend on social media. These platforms are designed to keep you engaged, even if it is not good for your mental health.

So, as you scroll through your feeds, remember that you're more than just a product. You're an individual with the power to shape your online presence.

Stay tuned, I'll be sharing more as I learn!

Happy reading!



Tushal Mehra

A Wordsmith, On A Journey Of Bringing The Words Into Life, Turning Thoughts Into Tales And Simplifying Complexities, Let's Explore The World Through Words! 🌊