“If You Cannot Do Great Things, Do Small Things in a Great Way” — Napoleon Hill

Doing small things in a significant way.

Judith Uusi-Hakimo


A soldier is giving a red fruit to two small children
Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/soldier-giving-red-fruit-on-2-children-during-daytime-36785/

This simple phrase carries with it a world of possibility. The words of Napoleon Hill have perhaps never been more relevant than they are today. This phrase has been widely adopted as a mantra by many modern-day individuals and organizations striving to make an impact, no matter the scale of their efforts.

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the world’s current situation and feel like we cannot make a difference or do something great. The truth is, however, that even small actions can be done in a significant way and can lead to powerful outcomes, even the most mundane tasks, not just in our professional lives but also in our everyday lives.

The quote serves as a reminder that true greatness lies beyond the scope of tangible results. The key lies in putting your heart into everything you do — no matter how small they seem — and taking genuine joy in creating something meaningful and valuable.

It doesn’t matter if it takes days, weeks, or months — as long as you stay true to your vision and put maximum effort into everything you do, you will grow increasingly content with the quality of work produced. The power of doing small things in a significant way lies in the idea…



Judith Uusi-Hakimo

A Nurse by profession. A mother of three and a wife of one. A storyteller and an aspiring writer.