If you could choose to remember your dreams, would you?

A thought piece about realities that we exist within and how we currently interact with them.

Celine Thrane
3 min readMay 3, 2020


Celine Thrane -Canon M50-London, UK

Why is my imagination so active when I’m asleep?

Is it because during my waking reality I am so under-stimulated? Is it all bubbling over and running free when I’m asleep?

There’s only so much stimulation one can acquire from TV, films and social media. Although it’s entertaining, does it really stimulate you like your dreams do? I think the defining difference is that we are all an active participant in our dreams, we are thrown into a visceral state of reality and consciousness, a construct of sorts, that we may not have full control over, but we definitely interact with on a very physical level, as opposed to being solely an on-looker.

There is the obvious argument that the body is asleep when the mind wanders, but then how do you explain the sensory experience of dreaming? Doesn’t it sometimes mirror reality? Or frighten you so much that you wake up in a pool of your own sweat? Do you never linger on a moment so sweet that you wish it would never end, just like in the waking world?

If you could choose to retain your memory in the dream world instead of the monotonous reality we cling to, in its absolution, would you?

Dreaming is the ultimate form of expression, where we can truly be free, to live out our wildest adventures and most coveted secrets. What is stopping us from this expression in the waking world, is it restraints that we place upon ourselves or is it because this construct is not something born of our minds and spirits, is it because we are simply trapped within the confines of someone else’s structure? Bound by the architecture and limits defined by a rule of “I can” and “I can’t”, “it’s too good to be true”.

Lusaje Photography-Canon 2000D-Cork, Ireland

Do you ever feel trapped? Trapped in a country, in a job or within this human body, that can achieve so much, but must be trained and programmed to allow the forms of expression your mind is longing for? Why must you be an artist to emulate the beautiful painting you see in your mind? If only there was a way to surpass the training of brush strokes and colour combinations and just create. If we can do this in our dreams, why are we so limited in this reality? Imagine if instead of only witnessing the imaginations of other people come to life, we could all be masters of our own expression. Ironically, we can, we are and have been since the dawn of time. It’s only that we can’t remember these moments as our physical bodies were asleep (and did not retain the information procured). That’s when the magic of our souls ignite and frolic freely.

The only distinction is that one experience is retained as memory, possibly not even just in our minds but maybe stored in our human bodies. Is this the reason we don’t remember our dreams, because we don’t bring our bodies with us? Or have we been conditioned to forget?

If you could remember your life in the dream world, would you still accept the waking reality as the only ‘REAL’ place we exist?

Julio Pereira-Canon M50-Sesimbra, Portugal



Celine Thrane

Scandinavian born, British bred, creative overachiever. I create original content for film and media and welcome you to peak inside the mind of my creations.