If you Drive for Uber Full Time Don’t Use your Own Car…Rent One!

For goodness sakes, don’t tear up your own car!

Kristen Kay Brady


Image courtesy: Jackson David via Pexels

It might shock you to know that driving for Uber isn’t contingent on owning a vehicle. Instead, you can rent one. Even if you’re a vehicle owner you might want to give your car a break from heavy mileage and/or wear and tear for a little while. Whatever your reason, renting may be a good choice for you. Read further to learn more on what’s involved:

Things to consider

Before getting too excited, know that there are a few restrictions. You can’t just run over to the local vehicle rental place and rent one of their cars to drive for Uber — it doesn’t work that way. Factors that involve insurance, not to mention the approval requirements set forth by Uber, prohibit this.

There still are ways to safely and legally rent a car to use for driving with Uber. How does it work? The company partners with a set of companies that rent cars to drivers who need them. We will dig into this later on in the post.

Understand the rules

If you make the choice to try the vehicle rental option, it is vital that you know the restrictions and requirements in place. One of the requirements has to do with age. You have to be of a specific age, which is…

