If You Have No Ambition of Being a Millionaire, I Guess You’re a Happy Person Like Me

When you expect less, you become happier.

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman


Happy smiling young man.
Photo by Matheus Silva from Pexels

Remember the folktale of a king and happy man? If not, let me help you recall the story —

There was a powerful king who, despite all the wealth and money, was unhappy. His friends and advisors tried hard to make him happy, but all their efforts went in vain. Finally, a doctor came to help and said if the king spent the night in the shirt of the happiest man in his kingdom, he would be happy.

So, the king sent his men to find the happiest man in his kingdom. Months went by, yet the happiest man remained out of reach. Then one day they heard about a man who is so happy that everyone who meets him becomes happy as well. The king’s men found that happy man but were surprised to see that he was a just poor farmer. When they asked for his shirt, the man laughed and told them that he had none.

King heard this news and, being confused, paid an instant visit to that man. The poor yet happy man greeted and treated the king like family. The king was overjoyed as he never felt such unconditional love from anyone. Finally, the king became happy and then returned to the palace with a great realization that happiness has little to do with wealth but more to do with



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman

Boost Nominator ✦ Editor of The Environment ✦ I share stories to transform your life