If You Talk to Me About Sexual Abuse One More Time I Swear I’m Gonna Hug You

Finally, my country is waking up. But more work is needed

Giorgos Pantsios


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

This story was supposed to be about the recent wave of #MeToo incidents in my country, Greece. But as I waited for it to grow, it became more than that.

It’s a story about you, people that got abused and didn't come to the light yet. And it’s about people that are getting abused right now but have a beacon of hope to guide them.

It’s a story about me, being sick about what I hear and read. And it’s a story for you, that feels the same way as well. We are people that can offer a digital hug, and listen to you. I can’t put myself in your position. Sorry if you feel that’s unfair. But I’m here to offer words of comfort and a self-esteem boost. Remember, the past can’t change. You can make your future better though. Focus on the present.

I was about to write something else in the beginning, but my father reminded me that there's a huge problem with society. He can’t understand why everyone comes out now, after so many years of covering the abuse they got.

So, I created a simple analogy for him. In a way that he would understand, I told him:

“Let’s assume that you are a slave. You keep your head down…



Giorgos Pantsios

Top Writer | Fulltime learner | Polymath from Greece | Exploring life | Modern Philosopher | https://linktr.ee/giorgospantsios