If You Want To Be Broke Quickly, Do This

The guide to going broke early on in life

Insights with Marcus
4 min readDec 16, 2022


Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

Money. This affects all the decisions that we make, if not most.

The amount of money affects the houses we live in, the cars we drive, the things we buy, and the lifestyle that we get to live.

And if you ever wondered, “oh heck I’m too rich, how do I get rid of my money?” Here is how.

1. Focus on utilising the money to buy you happiness

Since you came with nothing and will leave with nothing, you will want to focus on using money to buy you happiness.

That new gadget that is all the hype, get that. Your friends partying on a yacht, you can do that too.

You want to focus on spending money like there is no tomorrow. Additionally, make your spending as frictionless as possible such as using cards instead of cash, have your card details automatically saved down so you do not need to manually input them and just ignore that habit of tracking your money. Why bother?

2. Ignore your debts and get more loans

Why bother with managing your credit score or your debts? It's a hassle anyway and the number never seems to go down.

If you want to go broke, keep on using credit cards and get more loans if you need to.

3. Become ignorant and forget the sense of urgency

If you want to go broke, forget the mantra of discipline and hard work. Be blatantly ignorant of your responsibilities as an adult. Keep on collecting welfare cheques monthly despite having a fully abled body and being able to work.

Take the goodwill that others have given you for granted when they loan you money and just have no sense of urgency to respond and get back to them. Do this if you hope to be broke, isolated and have your back turned against you in future.

4. Look for ways to take shortcuts and procrastinate

If you have been advised to make changes or even listened to motivational audio etc, ignore all those advice. Find the easiest way to get something done with the least effort if you want to stay broke.

Do not offer to add value, procrastinate doing something now until a later time and just look for ways to take shortcuts.

This is an effective way to stay broke. You might also want to avoid being teachable, avoid trying new things and avoid taking risks if you wish to go broke or even stay broke.

5. Avoid self-learning

This would just hamper your journey to going broke. Avoid reading, talking to different people, learning from others, or even trying to understand basic financial literacy.

If someone has something to tell you about finance, ignore them because it's super boring and the jargon just seems like they want to “show off” their knowledge to you anyway. If you wish to stay the same, do just that.

6. Avoid any due diligence and throw money randomly on what is hot right now

Another way to become broke is to randomly throw money on what is hot right now or what is hugely hyped in the market. Do not do any due diligence or research on your own. Just assume that other people are extremely well-versed in the topic and that they have only good intentions for you.

Remember if you wish to go broke, take no initiative to ask questions, never second guess anyone and just blindly buy any investment if you feel like it.

7. Assume that you are always right

Assume that you know best and no one else has any valuable advice that they can offer you. Resist change because that is painful, and who wants that?

Everything that you are doing right now is amazing as it is. And there is a reason why you are so “successful”.

Final thoughts

If you have read through this article you may be thinking, this is just ridiculous, who the heck in their right mind wants to go broke? Exactly, you would be right. However, many people do just that in their everyday lives, never taking a moment to wonder if something needs to change in their lives to become financially independent.

Only by knowing what you are doing wrong and right, can you rectify your situation and build upon the right actions to get you to where you want to be.

