If You Want To Be Happier, Allow Yourself To Fail

I chased perfection for 10 years, it was hell on Earth



Happiness is a concept open to misconceptions. A lot of people confuse happiness with owning a home in Beverly Hills, driving a Mercedes, and being the best version of yourself from the way you articulate your tongue to the way that you sit. We think that we can be truly happy when we achieve our goals.

At times, you are so focused on being someone that you forget to breathe. Now come on, let those shoulders relax; you’re already perfect.

Often, I have to remind myself that in a state of perfection we do not learn. We only learn through failure, we grow through failure and we flourish through failure.

So why are we so afraid of failure?

I Failed Nine Times, I Got Up Ten

During my second semester of college, I was determined to get straight A’s; I wanted to have the perfect grades. I mean, who wants C’s? Ew. I worked hard, abandoned friends, social media, and my family. I was so focused on the school work that I forgot about myself.

We have all been there, we have all received a C at some point in life.




If you cannot find me, I am probably writing. Usually, I write about fiction, love, and self-improvement. Oh, love!