If you want to earn money writing, write about money

Now, if I don’t reach the audience with this article, I will break all the rules and I will write about money, quick money, lots of money, and just money, because that is how I will make money.

Inu Etc


Photo by Shelby Miller on Unsplash

Before I switched to writing about travel and life, I wrote articles about ‘Make Money Online’.

When I wrote about money, I got a lot of traffic, positive comments, negative comments, and criticism, but now I don’t get as much traffic.

Even though I don’t want to write about money again, I thought I should write about it again.

Medium is full of these kinds of articles, and they get tons of traffic, but I decided to write about my feelings, I decided to write about something unique, I decided to write from the bottom of my heart.

Instead of writing about quick money, I write about real business, real experiences, and actionable tips.

I will definitely start writing ‘quick money’ articles if this article doesn’t reach enough people.

Because money matters, and I make money only when I reach more people.

As Medium Partner Program isn’t available in India, I can’t earn from it, but sometimes I get clients from Medium for the services I offer, and people visit my main blog inuidea.com, and that’s how I make money.

Some readers send me tips on my Buy Me a Coffee page as well when I get more reach.

Ultimately, we’re all writing to get more readers, but some writers write really good articles, while some write garbage, and here I write high quality articles and get hated for it, too.

Writing a catchy headline that people click on is very important. I even got hate for writing such headlines, whereas people write clickbait headlines and get thousands of views.

Now, if I don’t reach the audience with this article, I will break all the rules and I will write about money, quick money, lots of money, and just money, because that is how I will make money.

Follow me and stay tuned; I’ll write valuable articles too because I can’t live without expressing my feelings or writing high-quality articles!

Thanks for reading this article. 💚

If you loved what you read, would you be able to buy me a cup of coffee? Or purchase a copy of Ups and Downs? It’s okay if you can’t right now.

If you have any questions or if you wanna work with me, feel free to contact me. I’m always available to help young hustlers like you @InuEtc on Instagram.

Keep hustling!



Inu Etc

I help young hustlers build their own online businesses. | Inuidea.com, InuEtc.com | Co-founder - Hostneur.com | Writer, blogger, web developer, traveler. 💚