If You Want To Fall In Love With Mathematics, Read This Book

Mathematics reveals the mysteries of the world

Prince Verma


Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash

Ever since I was a kid, I loved mathematics. I loved playing with numbers as a kid. I used to memorize tables, squares, and cubes of numbers for fun. I loved solving puzzles and doing problems.

For me, mathematics was just a fun thing to do. In middle school and high school, I excelled in mathematics and decided to pursue engineering. As an undergrad, I got to do a lot of math stuff.

After graduating, I went to grad school. Now I am in my 4th year of Ph.D. As a grad student, I don’t get much time to do mathematics. I only do reading and writing, and very few calculations.

Recently, I started feeling like my love for mathematics was diminishing. So I started searching for some cool math books. That’s when I stumbled upon the book called: Infinite powers by Steven Strogatz.

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It is such a fascinating book. I just finished reading it and it reignited my love for mathematics. I will highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to fell in love with mathematics.

