If You Want to Make a Difference, Then Suffer (There’s No Easy Way Out)

The sooner you start suffering, the better you become…

Yash Sharma
2 min readJul 14, 2024


Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

Life is suffering — Budhha

But from my perspective.

Life is suffering only for those who want to make a difference in this world.

To get someplace better, you have to suffer more often.

  • You will lose sleep
  • Your relationships will suffer
  • You feel lonely
  • You will fail more often
  • You get hate

There’s no easy way.

Last week, I was listening to Kobe Bryant’s interview with Patrick David, and Patrick asked him — what did your work ethic look like? And How long did you follow it?

Kobe Bryant: For 20 years, it’s an everyday process.

And I couldn’t agree more.

If you want something, you’ve to show up every day to make something out of it. This is how you stand out — putting in the work, mastering your craft, and reviewing it every day.

If you want comfort, then get back to sleep. This post isn’t for you.

It takes total focus to get better at your craft

Recently, my girlfriend left me for another guy. The woman that I loved the most is gone now. I’m in pain. I miss her.

However, I’m still doing fine. I get up every day and work. I wasn’t this guy before. I’ve become unstoppable because I took charge of my life. Since last year, I’ve been working on myself, all alone, no partying, just deep work.

And If I’ve chosen to party, gossip, and hang out. I know I’d crying over her. And then it took years to heal.

So, get through your head — If you want something, then you need to get to work every day, even if it hurts.



Yash Sharma

23 years old | Helping you overcome fears, make consistent improvements, and accomplish goals 10X faster.