If You’re Struggling to Write…

Accept that the task of writing is morally neutral

Eileen Wiedbrauk


Photo by Stephanie Harvey on Unsplash

Getting smarter about your writing income streams isn’t just about getting better at the external act of building your audience and brand; it’s also about learning how you work internally—getting smarter about your brain, its triggers, pitfalls, and optimal operating conditions. Accordingly, knowing how your brain works (all brains are different) can make your creative business less erratic.

Moral Judgments When Not Creating Enough

The term erratic has defined my writing income streams this past year. Some months I’ll pull in hundreds of dollars from a single stream; some months, five dollars. I can’t blame the algorithm, readership swings, or decisions about the platforms made by their corporate teams — although wouldn’t it be deliciously simple to do so? The fluctuations are directly related to how much content I’m (not) creating and putting out there in the world.

The answer seems to be simple: write more content. But there was a disconnect in my brain between the motivation and the task initiation, i.e., the writing wasn’t getting done regularly.

I’ve tried “getting serious” about it, putting my nose to the grindstone, making it a job to get done, a frog to eat first. That…



Eileen Wiedbrauk

Writer. Geek. Coffee addict. Former editor. MFA grad. Odyssey Workshop alum. Library fangirl. Escaped cubicle minion. Home cook. On a mission for better health.