Ikigai : The 4-Step Japanese formula for Happiness.

Published in
6 min readJul 29, 2020


We all want to be happy but the majority of us have no idea what to do.

Should we focus on making more money?

Should we focus on pursuing our passions?

Should we give up all of our material possessions and become a monk in the mountains?

Everyone seems to have a different take on it.

So there is this proven formula that has actually been around for hundreds and hundreds of years of formula for happiness. See, the Japanese have a concept called Ikigai which roughly translates into a reason for being happy.

Google Search for Ikigai.

In order for you to be happy you need to spend your time doing something with Ikigai you need to have a purpose for being here. But this is easier said than done because there are four components that you need to check off in order to achieve Ikigai. And without all four you will never truly be happy.

The first component is that it needs to be something that you love. We all have things that make us feel good. Things that make us stop thinking for short periods of time to just be present and aware of what’s happening right now in front of us. The more technical people will call this flow state. But the majority of us call it love. That’s why so many of us enjoy the arts, drawing, dancing singing and…




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