The Hidden Enemy to Your Success

Learn how to break your mental barriers and achieve your goals with this inspiring article.

Wayne Mullins
3 min readOct 16, 2023


Photo provided by the author

I’ll admit, I was nervous. Yep, you heard me right.

Nervous as hell, standing before that gym mat that looked like an ocean of doubts.

Picture this: an endless stretch of uncertainty daring me, taunting me. I had a million questions buzzing in my head.

  • “What if I fail?”
  • “What if I look stupid?”
  • “What if I, What if I…”

Familiar, isn’t it?

So, I had this entire buffet of excuses laid out before me. Each one is a tempting escape route.

But the kicker? Those weren’t reasons, they were cop-outs.

And let’s be real, when those excuses start showing up, that’s your cue. A cue to lean in and take action. Not rash action, mind you, but calculated steps.

Don’t get me wrong, you won’t find me in a UFC octagon anytime soon.

But am I training? Oh, you bet.

  • Mind Over Matter
  • Strengthen Your Will

It’s not just about throwing punches and kicks. Sure, I’m kickboxing. But the training I’m talking about is the one we often skip: mental training.

That night, it wasn’t just about my fists or my feet. It was my mind on the line.

New year, new me,” we all say, sweating through another set of squats.

But, hold on. What about the mental gym? Not a frequented spot, is it?

Your fears, doubts, insecurities, they’re real. And if you don’t tackle them, you’ll hit a glass ceiling. A ceiling in your mind.

You might think it’s your body holding you back.

Wrong. It’s the mind.

So, how to break this cycle?

Test those limits. Like lifting weights builds muscle, taking calculated risks amplifies mental strength.

Simple actions can be your starting point. Set your alarm an hour earlier.

Just do it. No snoozes. Each snooze weakens your resolve, and each one chips away at your mental toughness.

And then, there’s the bone-chilling cold shower or the ice bath, if you dare.

It’s not about becoming an iceman. It’s about saying, “Hey, mind, guess what? You don’t run me. I run you.

  • Brave the Cold
  • Run Past Limits

Feel like quitting on that run? Go another minute.

Why? Because that’s where your barriers crumble.

Grab a pen and write for 20 minutes, non-stop. No editing. It’s not about the next best-selling novel; it’s about confronting your deepest fears.

Sure, these exercises have their perks. But let’s cut the chase. It’s about maintaining mental strength.

Each Netflix binge, each moment you choose comfort over the challenge, you’re mentally training. But, in the wrong direction.

What’s holding you back? Fear? Doubt? What’s on the other side of that fear? Time to find out.

Every choice you make today lays a brick for tomorrow. You can either lay a strong foundation or let your fears turn those bricks into barriers.

  • One Step Forward
  • Your Choices, Your Tomorrow

So here’s your wake-up call. Time to break those mental barriers. One cold shower, one early morning, one challenging run at a time.

Start now. Because, trust me, your future self will thank you. And soon enough, you’ll realize that the only thing to fear is fear itself.

What’s it gonna be?

Peace & love,




Wayne Mullins

I help freelancers and agency owners build the business they deserve. Here's how 👉