I’ll Show You How I Went from 0 to 150 Followers in Almost a Month without Asking People to Follow Me.

The Recipe Is Simple, Elegant, And… Obvious?

Ikada Mario
4 min readJan 30, 2023


Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash

“ You can monetize any passion, but the level at which you can monetize will be affected by the size of your niche and whether you are able to differentiate yourself enough from other players in it. ” — Garry Vee.

That’s exactly where I’m coming from. I put my affection not based on “cellular fact” that I know nothing about, but by showing people how I generate attention by answering people’s needs.

Be a real deal in this most real realm of this Internet

So many people seem always focused on what kind of weapon suits me in this war, not what kind of position I need to hold during this war.

Be honest with yourself.

Do you think is there any person in first, developing, and third-world countries that don’t even know the existence of the Internet?

So stop acting like this is a new thing that happens and needs more time for establishment. This Internet world doesn’t need establishment therefore they don’t need to make a mistake intentionally.

So the ‘Star’ won’t come up again as a mistake because…

  • No room for “start from 0 people” anymore.
  • No room for cringe and liability
  • No room for freedom of speech if you don’t have any clout
  • No room for attention if you have no fair trade
  • No room for not-so-ugly and not-so-pretty people anymore.

People will never accept you if you don’t bring something to the table, which is the conclusion of these points.

It’s hard to understand, but no matter how stupid people are, they always want something in return more and more, so please don’t come up empty-handed.

Be minimalistic and tactical

Start to differentiate fun and work as early as you can. At the end of the day either in real life or in Internet life, new blood is new blood.

Seniority may sound unspoken but it does exist. You won’t matter much if you are a new guy in the club. So make sure your point is precise and

I plot my strategies into 2 tiers of formation which are top, and mid. (I know this sounds weird but…)

The following steps were examined from my own statistics daily and based on reads, not views.

  • 0–50 just answer what people need and make sure it still looks rooky and not patronizing.
  • 50–80 do a trial and error once to feed your curiosity.
  • 80–100 start doing some not-so-format stories, publish and see the result for an experiment.
  • 100–130 do the thing that really rolled up your credibility with something formal.
  • 130–150 wait, observe, watch and learn the snowball effect.

My tactics and plan come after each stage. These are the things that actually aid in my development.

Top tier

  • Always based on 3 different themes personal experience theme, news-based theme, and helping people theme.
  • Research on my statistics
  • Research on every Publisher’s impact
  • Socializing with the community (audience or non-audience)
  • Write 3 articles a day
  • Find inspiration ALWAYS in the traditional form of books, not e-books or Internet stuff.


  • Never engage in anything in writing if I don’t have a good mood.
  • Inspiration based on randomness is an inspiration for entertainment purposes unless you want to get “creative” with the information you want to put out and that’s a different story.
  • Inspiration based on research is an inspiration that desperately needs legit backup data that actually can help people.
  • Writing = Therapy. Therapy = money. Money = bonus.
  • Sing a song with a good voice so people know my voice instead sing a song with a good band so people get the amusement.

Ok, the thing is it broke my heart when Medium do the non-stripe country stuff. It is just unfair since so many Indian and non-stripe countries out there can share valuable stories.

Be fair

Writing requires you to pour your heart’s creativity out.

But again, you are new here so it’s almost impossible people will notice. So in order to catch the attention I have to understand what really works.

I’m not saying that we all have to sell out, but at the very least, we need to put more pressure on our egos. For example, people mixed the story into 80:20, which means that 80 percent of the story was about the algorithm and 20 percent was about their message.

I think it would be better to make two separate articles, one about the algorithm and the other about my thoughts. Both ways worked well for me, but I think people can tell how serious I am about writing if I do 100:100.

Final thought

Our engagement is our function.

So far, I think that’s the best way to describe my writing experiences. You can help people with false promises, but in the end, things will go wrong either people notice or they just get bored.

You can talk about money and finance from someone's experiences but it will tasteless.

You can talk about personal development that you have no idea about but the system will deny you and it will become useless.

You can talk and ask about Medium Growth but deep down you know it killing you inside.

Know your field, make tactics and be real.

People will follow you for who you are and subscribe to your newsletter.

Besides, literature is fun and free-ing.

Do the fun

