Illumination is the Most Supportive Publication for Writers

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” — Helen Keller

Sarah Seweryniak


Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

Writer’s naturally tend to question their confidence. Questions about myself always flow through my mind. Am I good enough? Do I have a story to tell that’s worthy? It’s a never-ending cycle.

Medium was a God-send of a platform for writers. It created an amazing community where writers could do what they do and support other writers.

I’ve been blessed to have pieces run in some of the biggest publications on the Medium platform, but I’ve never come across a publication that was as supportive of my writing journey as ILLUMINATION has been.

Their track record even speaks for itself. They have more than 7,500+ writers (way more than that if you include their sister publications) and more than 73,000+ subscribers. Wow!

They have an amazing Slack channel where you can connect with a community of writers and support each other's published work and also receive some feedback for drafts. I know there are publications that offer the same, but again, I haven’t even seen it come close to what Illumination offers.

They’re constantly giving shout-outs to their new writers, welcoming them to the publication…



Sarah Seweryniak

I write about Marketing, Self-Improvement & Parenting | Increase your article read time and grow your Medium following: