I’m a poet

Roopchand Empire
Published in
Apr 21, 2021

I like to be seen as a poet.

I compose my thoughts in a certain style,
I almost always rhyme.

When I’m through and I feel it’s complete,
I slap on a title and Call it poetry.
Occasionally I might hesitate-

Dare I label what I write?

Is it just rhymes or do I dare call it poetry?
Limerick or elegy?
Just compositions or odes?
Verses or prose?

Whichever you deem appropriate -
But I’m sticking to poetry- I like being seen as a poet!

So as I write my poetry and reveal it,
I hope you’re fascinated

But who’s to say you’re interested?
It’s my experiences
My inspirations
And my questions



Roopchand Empire

Persistent • Prosperous • Proud • Passionate