I’m Afraid I May Have Fallen Victim To An Online Phishing Scam

C. Dorian Carlone
Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2022


I thought I was smarter than this.

Graphic by author.

I think I may have gotten hoodwinked.

It happens. We hear about people getting ripped off online all the time. I’ve even seen people I know the post about being fooled. But I never thought it would happen to me.

It started with an ad I posted to an online buy/sell website that got weird. I’m afraid I may have given more information than I should have before I caught on.

I am currently in a holding pattern, having decided to cease all communications and see what happens.

“My families are based in Canada.”

Guh, I should have known right there something was off.

Yesterday I posted an item on Kijiji (an online ads website, similar to Craigslist, that we have in Canada).

I received a text response almost right away, which led to an email exchange that was kind of strange.

“I work … here in the state,” and “My families are based in Canada” could have been the rushed, autocorrected text of a parent who is trying to balance spinning plates while working to keep a teenage son or daughter pacified, right? Right? I can certainly relate. In fact, I’m selling this item in Kijiji for my own son.



C. Dorian Carlone

Aspiring novelist, sometimes nutritionist, fledgling minimalist. Hobby musician and lover of disc golf. Join and support: cdoriancarlone.medium.com/membership