I’m An (Actual) Writing Coach: Here are 3 Qualities of Talented Writers

Get better, no matter your current skill level

Kyle Chastain


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Writing is a skill.

One of the biggest responsibilities of my day job is to coach students who are learning how to write content on the internet. Naturally, I read a lot of posts.

Over the past six months of coaching students, I’ve noticed some things that set apart the *meh* writers from the great ones.

Now, I won’t lie to you. Not everyone has a natural talent for writing. That doesn’t mean everyone can’t get better.

If you want to improve your writing, here are three qualities that’ll get you started in the right direction.

Be willing to suck

Yep, you read that right.

When I’m coaching students, I’m privy to their entire writing process. That means I see everything from their rough idea to their outline to their rough drafts.

And honestly, everybody sucks at first.

So many people never get better at writing because they’re afraid of looking bad.

I get it. We live in a culture that prizes both authenticity and perfection. It’s a double standard and one that’s impossible for a…



Kyle Chastain

On a mission to become a better writer and storyteller | Building my "Insight" newsletter to 10k+ | Create the life you want: https://chastain.substack.com/