I’m Getting Better at Medium

Slow and steady wins the race.

Noah Nelson
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2021


Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

I’ve been writing on Medium for a month and a half now, and after much success this far, I’ve come to two conclusions.

  • 1. I’m getting better at Medium.
  • 2. Slow and steady wins the race.

When I joined Medium in Mid-February, I dove into its waters knowing very little. And I’ve been swimming ever since.

I thought Medium would be a great way to sharpen my writing skills, network, and earn a little side money. So far, I’ve been successful at all of that.

In the last two weeks of February, I gained 1,212 views, 701 reads, 85 fans, and 79 followers. I wrote 34 articles and earned $3.08. Not too bad for two weeks, if I say so myself.

March was my full month on Medium, and my states only grew better from February. In March, I gained 684 views, 471 reads, 176 fans, and 98 followers. I wrote 68 articles and earned $8.07.

They weren’t the best results, but there was an improvement from February. So I was happy.

Sharing my stats doesn’t bother me. It does for some people, but for me, it helps me and my fellow writers who are along on this journey with me.



Noah Nelson

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alum | Author of “Life: A Collection of Short Stories” and “Dana and Me” | Featured Writer on ILLUMINATION (23x).