I’m Learning That Not Everyone Is A Monster

Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2024


Growing up in a toxic household can really play tricks on your mind

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Being in a constant battle with the people you call your “family” can cause a huge wear & tear on your mind.

When you grow up in a toxic household your brain learns how to constantly be in fight or flight mode.

It’s a vicious cycle, always wondering when the next argument is going to take place. Always cautious of every step you make, always ready to stop a fight.

It’s exhausting.

When you go out into the real world you take this same mindset with you & your mind may trick you into believing that everyone is out to get you.

Side note, they’re not.

Learning To Let Go

Letting go of this war-ready mentality can be really challenging. It can feel like it’s all you know.

You may have grown up with this mindset, constantly watching your back at every corner.

It’s good to be cautious but constantly wondering when someone is going to try to “get one over on you” can be mentally taxing after a while.

It’s a good service to your mind to learn the art of letting go.




Giving you guys Self Help tips from my POV to help you grow into the beautiful soul that I know you can | IG: @souftsol | Twitter: @souftsol