I’m Not A Fake Expert. I’m A Real One. What About You?

I worked with Cynthia Nixon (Miranda Hobbes) from “Sex and the City” and am a “Super Connector”.

Kristina God, MBA


I’m Not A Fake Expert. I’m A Real One. What About You?
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Medium’s new CEO Tony Stubblebine wants to raise the quality bar on Medium.

Especially if you share “advice”, Medium will be more suspicious and also wants its reader to be suspicious.

In his latest post Stubblebine said:

“When you are hearing advice, does the advice giver know anything about what they are talking about?”

Of course, you can be an expert in your own experience, but what Tony is looking for are people with first-hand experience and expertise.

To sum it up in my own words:

Either you verify your expertise moving forward and raise your game, or your words will die hard here.

Real experts that provide real value will win. False experts will lose.

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Kristina God, MBA

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/