My Writing Journey

I’m Past the Beginner’s Luck Phase in My Writing Career

Do you believe in beginner’s luck?

Wambui Njuguna


I believe that phase exists.

Other than The Alchemist, I have no other reason to believe in beginner’s luck or prove its existence to you. It’s just one of those things we believe in that not most people understand.

In every initiative I start, ever since I can remember, everything aligned perfectly at first before it started being bumpy.

Photo by Armin Babakhani on Unsplash

I remember in high school when I started writing rap songs. I’ve always been a fan of hip-hop music and culture. I grew up looking up to my older brother who’s now a songwriter and rapper.

I assimilated a lot of things from him, one being his taste in music. What I listen to up to date is largely influenced by him.

As a huge fan of hip-hop music in high school, I grew fully into that culture and even started writing my own songs. I didn’t make it past four though.

With time, I realized just how much energy goes into that. You can rhyme sixteen words, but they need to have a connection and a meaningful flow.

I started repeating ideas, using the flow in different songs and copying other artists. Half of my lyrics weren’t mine! (facepalm)

Needless to say, I no longer write music. I got past the exciting part of it, the one where my peers cheered me on. I got to the hard part. I believe if that's something I was meant to do, with a lot more work I would have made a good songwriter.

When I started writing about a year ago, I started out as an academic writer. I got trained by a friend’s friends and I even scored a few gigs. It was ecstatic!

Until I discovered a new world of writing.

Less than 4 months after, I was giving more attention to online writing and content creation than academic writing even though I could earn a few hundred from the latter.

I received my training from a local agency. They did a good job at that, but I would soon realize they weren’t legit.

I earned a few thousands working with them. The growth was as close to linear as growth gets and I was high!

They never paid me.

Every time I tried to withdraw the money from that account, I hit a snag. The back-and-forth communication about it with the agency proved futile. That’s when it dawned on me.

Besides that, I’d started writing on Medium too.

I knew from the start I couldn’t earn money, but something wonderful happened.

I fell in love with writing. I loved sharing my work on the platform. I loved creating.

Reflecting on my past, I almost always quit on something once it started being hard, demanding too much from me than I was willing to give.

I quit on people too.

When the almost linear growth at the start of my career faded, when I was past the beginner's luck phase, I didn’t quit writing.

I’d already fallen in love with the art. With crafting the art. The creator beast in me had already been awakened.

So months after I am past the beginner's luck phase, I’m still at it.

I grew into my niche with time. It’s been almost a month now since I identified as a holistic health writer. I haven’t signed my first client in this niche.

I’m past blind luck. Luck (not blind) can only help you if it finds you prepared.

In his podcast, How to get rich, Naval explains the role luck plays in success. For the most part, it takes a lot of effort from us before luck rolls in and boosts us.

I’m still stirring the pot.

I’m not close to feasting on the broth yet, but I’ll never get to if I don’t keep stirring.

This is your daily reminder to keep showing up. You’re one task (cold email, DM, article…) away from your desired result.

I’m one stir away from signing my dream client and they are one writer away from signing their dream client.

Your holistic health writer, 💜

Wambui Njuguna.

Get access to Having a healthy relationship with your environment, my series of Medium unlisted articles that will teach you how to have a more fulfilling life using what you already have in your environment.

This series will help you realize how to use what you already have in your environment to nurture your growth and detach from what you do not need.

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Wambui Njuguna

Compiling my first book, How to develop a healthy relationship with your environment, in my newsletter. Get access: