I’m Taking a Break From My Best Friend — 3 Things I’m Expecting From It

And a set of questions to help you reflect on your friendships too



We rarely question our friendships, especially the closest ones.

We’ve been through highs and lows together, and we believe this is enough to stick around forever.

Because someone’s been there for decades, or because they were supportive during bad times, doesn’t mean we’re made to be eternal friends.

Loving each other, and being there for each other, doesn’t always equal to a healthy and sustainable friendship. That’s what I’ve realized lately, and I’m taking a break to see more clear.

I’ll give you the context, and explain what I’m expecting when I choose to be away from my closest friend.

Why I’m doing this

An accumulation of confusing conversations and stressful situations got me to the point of overwhelm.

She’s a dear friend, but our interactions over the last couple of months got me wondering. A lack of direction in her life — and probably in mine too— replicated into our relationship. It’s made my life complicated for a while, and complication isn’t something I want from a friendship.

