I’m Thankful for Dog Poop

And Other Thoughts From a Loving Dog Mom

Kim Zuch


Photo by La Miko from Pexels

“Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished.” Dean Koontz

A couple of days ago, I was outside cleaning dog poop out of the back yard. From the looks of things, my husband didn’t do a whole lot of picking up during his “work from home” status.

I started to grumble to myself about the state of the backyard when a thought crossed my mind. Maybe I should be thankful there is dog poop to clean up in the first place. I should also be thankful that we even have a backyard to clean.

Moving Day
Back in June, our landlord let us know he had decided to sell his house. We could either buy the house or move. We were not in a position to buy a $400,000 house, so we began looking for rentals that we could afford. We also have two large dogs, so the rental had to be pet-friendly.

Moving during a global pandemic added that much more stress — would people even be showing their houses?

We were lucky to find a rental in a nice neighborhood that is affordable and pet-friendly. Our dogs have plenty of neighbor dogs to bark at, and, even better, a good-sized backyard to play in. The house even has a dog door in…



Kim Zuch

I write about nature, birdwatching, the outdoors, and conservation issues. I like to share pictures and sometimes my dogs show up. Twitter: @kimclawson2