
I’m Your Prey Tonight...

tale of the girl you raped

Kalpana Khattri
Published in
Apr 17, 2023


Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash

go away hunters, I beg you for life
I can’t fight alone in the dark night
scared away by cruel animal’s fife
so tell me, am I going to get back to light?

might I be your savoury prey today?
in gloomy wildlife, Imma famished
& a lost lady, soon to be your buffet
frostnip is ok than wounds you perished

quavering on my way to your jaws,
with my lifeblood, shivering,
Wearily staining your sharp claws
with a vulture look, you began severing

you’re baring & tearing thru the nite
today, i’m the one to satisfy your appetite

Author’s note:
The animal is a metaphor to represent the rapist in our society. When I wrote subheadings, I mean to point at the rapists and not all the people reciting this beautiful poetry.



Kalpana Khattri

Writer/Poet, student, multilingual, researcher, bookworm who believes in self-education. Reach me - kalpanakc219@gmail.com