Images Can Make or Break Your Content as a Creator

Who wants to read an exciting article with a boring picture. People are not insane, it is because of how you write.

Konadu Akwasi Akuoko
5 min readApr 14, 2021


Happy women sitting in restaurant, watching a blog post image from thier phone. (Supposedly)
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Reading is never easy, and it becomes very tiresome when there are no pictures in a blog post. Readers like to see images in the articles they read. Images are a huge deal when it comes to writing a post as a writer.

Though I started writing on Medium a month ago, I have seen my fair share of what images can do. I am not all that experienced as many writers on Medium, but I have had over to 10k views with eleven stories. From how I see it, images play a significant role when it comes to blogging.

Medium analytics from the author.
A screenshot of the author’s medium analytics. Source: Author.

Why use images?

Social media is condensed and saturated with a lot of content from people around the globe. For you to gain people’s attention, you need to do something different.

A different or broken egg in a crate of eggs.
Photo by Klaus Nielsen from Pexels

Images are one way of grabbing the attention of users. It is as if telling readers to stop the endless scroll through their feed and click on your post when they see a powerful image.

In human psychology, one way of connecting to people is through emotions. Images tend to connect emotions between you and your reader.

We connect with people through emotions, like these eggs.
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Having a connection with your reader is very helpful because it can determine if your reader will read your post or your future posts.

According to scientific research, the human brain takes less time processing images than texts. So when we use images in our blog posts, it makes it easier for us to grab the attention of readers.

Images may also give your work a professional appearance. By using images in your technical articles, you may look a lot more professional.

An oldies pen.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

When writing technical articles, it is necessary to include images about the topic you are writing. If it is about coding, make sure to insert an outcome of what you tried to do with the code as an image. By doing this, readers may trust you.

Did you know there are image search engines? Including images in our blog post can make you gain traffic from image search engines. I know you have heard about Alt text and description of an image. Well, image search engines tend to use these two things a lot. They use them to show the relevant results when someone searches for an image. Always try and set your image description or your Alt text. They can direct traffic to your site.

A man surfing through online pictures
Photo by Amina Filkins from Pexels

What images should you choose for your posts?

Images you choose are important. Not all images may be fit for a direct purpose. When choosing an image, make sure to fulfill the following requirements,

  • Use thought-provoking images. Pictures that tend to make readers think are images that stay in their minds. People may even recognize you as an author of blog posts with thought-provoking pictures. These images increase your article’s appeal and boost its view when used as a cover image.
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash
  • Use clear images. We are in 2021, not 2006. Try and use blurry pictures for your posts or articles, and people will outright ignore it. In this world, quality images are everywhere, and you can get them for free, try Unsplash or Pexels. They’ve got a great deal of nice, clear, and crispy images. Try and use them. Using clear images makes your work looks more professional, and besides, it makes your work attractive.
Use images clear as this lens
Photo by Bud Helisson on Unsplash
  • Use people’s faces. People are usually drawn to other people like them. Using real human faces tends to increase the click-through rate of articles. Faces can convey emotions very well. Using these kinds of images, you can establish an emotional connection with your reader. Human faces are unique use them. As more YouTube stars tend to use their face in their thumbnails, try and use it in your blog posts and see, you will thank me later.
Photo by Daniel Xavier from Pexels


Texts tell a story, but images tell stories faster than a text could. Images in a blog post are a great way to increase your views. Use the techniques discussed here, and your blog posts will stand out from the crowd. By leveraging the power of images, you will be on your way to becoming one hell of a writer.

Why do you think images are important in a blog post?

And what are some best practices governing the use of images?

Let me know in the comment sections. (Yer I know, straight line from YouTube)

If you enjoyed this article, you can follow me on Medium and social media if you are interested in technology and software development. You can follow me on Twitter as we will talk about coding and the general tech world, my DM is always open. Join me on YouTube and let’s do some coding together. Have a nice day. And until next time happy coding.

