
Immortality Could Soon Be a Reality (Part 1)

For Sumerians, immortality was not a choice. It was a fact.

Spiritual Alchemist
Published in
5 min readJun 9, 2022


Photo by Max Harlynking on Unsplash

Death will soon be a sickness for those who cannot prevent it. Modern medicine and advanced genetics will soon open the path to biological immortality. Yet, this is only half of the problem because you will have to be doing one thing to enjoy immortality.

Let`s first see how immortality was perceived throughout history.

Sumerian mythology has some elements which are similar to those of the Heavenly Religions. One of them is the Garden of Eden and the creation of the first man, Adapa. He was created as an aid to gods and was therefore called, Lulu Amelu — the working man.

You did not hear me wrong. Even before the Old Testament, Sumerians had a very detailed version of the Garden of Eden and the first man, Adam.

The Sumerian gods had created Adapa in their own image with only one exception. They did not grant him immortality because some of the gods in Anu (known as Zeus in Greek mythology) and other gods were afraid that men would reproduce and grow into millions, develop new capabilities and skills, and one day become like them.



Spiritual Alchemist

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