Imperfection Is Perfection, Its Just Hiding In Sunglasses And A Hat

Perfection Is All About Getting Comfortable With Your Imperfections

Yaqoob Ahmad


Image Source: Unsplash

Perfection seems to be this dream or myth that we think only once we’ve achieved it, then we’ll be happy. Yet we find ourselves stuck on this never-ending treadmill trying to chase perfection and never reaching it. However, perfection actually can be achieved. Kinda. Here’s how.

Perfection, by its definition, means.

“The action or process of improving something until it is faultless” — Oxford Dictionary

So to be perfect means to reach a state of faultlessness. And the one thing you need to get in your head is that faults are subjective.

There’s no set definition as to what a fault is. Its what you or society believes a fault is. And its that flawed mindset that causes us to chase perfection. My goal is to get you off that treadmill and not give two shits about perfection. And in doing so achieving it.

There are 2 ways to achieve perfection. The 1st way is impossible, yet its the route 97% of people will go down. While the second way is achievable yet rarely done.

1. Fixing Your Faults Until You’re…



Yaqoob Ahmad

The magic you're searching for is in the work you're avoiding.