Important Life lessons I learned from a Helpful Seagull.

Ethan Wong
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2024


Photo by Tom Cordner:

What is the purpose of a Seagull’s life. Is it to eat? To balance an ecosystem of discarred fish carnage left by humanity? Too many seagulls, it is just that — To survive long enough where death seems fitting. For Jonathan however, the routine of surviving was just not enough.

“I could be spending all this time learning to fly. There’s so much to learn!”

In the book, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”, by Richard Bach, we are tasked to explore the perspective of surviving vs. thriving and what it actually means to truly live with ourselves and one another.

Before I go on, I would like to point out a paradox that exists within society today.

Societal Norms.

In this world, we expect one another to live like the rest. In seagull terms, it maybe to stay by the harbor and wait for passersby to leave their food unattended.

In our case, it is to live a standard life, adrift day by day to a job that is not fulfilling, a world left undiscovered. However, we also have this expectation within ourselves to be great, to stand out in some sort of way that is spectacular. But how can a person be spectacular by doing ordinary things? How can a person change without creating changes? It’s impossible, such is the paradox of societal norms. We…



Ethan Wong

A person that writes sometimes. For any inquiries or if you would like to talk please email me at