Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Published in
1 min readMar 10, 2021


In 1996, during my first and mostly forgotten foray into the 12-Stepverse, the rehab took us to a "meeting." The speaker told the story of his suicidal ideation. He had terrible insomnia along with alcoholism. He would stay up nights, drinking in his basement, planning his family-annihilation-suicide. He spent many a night meticulously planning for and rigging the boiler to explode to take out himself, his wife, and his children as his family slept. Then, the night he was ready to pull the switch, he fell asleep. Listening to him tell that story was the first time I felt the presence of God in my life. A presence I later forgot about for too long, but God never forgot about me.

Impromptu haiku:

Goosebump raising surge
kinetic energy says
God present for all

Note: “present” is a double entendre

Maybe this will story will help prevent suicides.



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.